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Undertaking an apprenticeship is the time spent learning a skilled trade under a qualified trades-person. There are many different trades – from hairdresser to mechanic, electrician to chef, plumber to cabinet maker.  A traineeship also combines on the job training. 

traineeship is the time spent learning a job (or vocation) under a supervisor, for industries that don’t require a trade certificate. You can do a traineeship in just about any workplace or industry, for example in administration, retail, health care, horticulture or animal care. Traineeship qualifications range from Certificate II up to Advanced Diploma.

The Australian Government can provide funding and other benefits to assist with the costs incurred for employers and apprentices/trainees whilst undertaking the training, particularly in . Eligibility criteria applies.

There are more than 600 qualifications in over 50 industries offering apprenticeship and traineeship pathways, ranging from Certificate II to Advanced Diploma levels, including traditional trades and a number of emerging occupations in most other sectors of business and industry.

You can undertake an Australian Apprenticeship as a school leaver, if you’re re-entering the workforce and if you are an adult simply looking at a career change. You can even begin an Australian Apprenticeship while finishing secondary school under a School-based Apprenticeship arrangement You may elect to study full-time, part-time, or a combination of both – earning and learning as you go!

The cost of training is varied among industry qualifications and can be covered by financial incentives, if eligible. In particular, trades that fall under the National Skills Needs List can be covered by financial incentives.  We can talk to you about the costs and any financial incentives available to business owners to cover wages or to the student to cover associated training costs and living expenses.

Full time apprenticeships will take between 36 to 48 months, depending on the apprentice and how quickly they complete the competencies. Full time traineeships will take between 12 and 24 months. The qualifications undertaken are from Certificate Level II to Level VI.  Recognition of prior learning, on the job learning and formal or informal experience can all contribute towards competency and faster completion of the certification.

There are many industry training providers to choose from including public providers (TAFE) or private fee-for-service Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Some RTOs are government funded and can offer subsidised training costs.

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