Delivering the training plan...

Registered Training Organisations

Once you have decided on an apprenticeship or traineeship, you will need to find a Registered Training Organisation to deliver the training. They will construct the Training Plan for the apprentice or trainee.

Registered training organisations (RTOs) are training providers who deliver vocational education and training (VET) for apprenticeships, traineeships and persons seeking a nationally-recognised qualification in their industry.

They are registered and monitored by the Australian Government’s Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) or, in some cases, a state regulator.

Registered Training Organisations – Delivering the Training Plan

In conjunction with the employer and the apprentice/trainee, the Registered Training Organisation will develop the Training Plan for your apprenticeship or traineeship. 

This describes the training to be undertaken, how it will be assessed and when the apprentice or trainee has satisfactorily completed. It is a working document to be used for the duration of the apprenticeship or traineeship.

The delivering Registered Training Organisation must comply with relevant national standards and relevant state training authority legislation, policies and procedures.

The Registered Training Organisation ensures the employer and apprentice/trainee understand the workplace tasks that need to be undertaken. This supports the development and achievement of competency in the workplace, for each unit within the Training Plan.

If the parties to the Training Contract wish to change their Registered Training Organisation, a new Training Plan must be completed.

The Training Plan will be used as part of any review of training arrangements for the duration of the apprenticeship or traineeship.

There are currently around 5,000 Registered Training Organisations in Australia and some of these specialise in certain industries while others offer a range of industry qualifications.

Some Registered Training Organistions are public (TAFE) and others are private Registered Training Organisations who can be government-funded or they can charge a fee-for-service.

A complete list of Registered Training Organisations is maintained at, the authoritative national register of the Vocational Education and Training sector in Australia. 

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